Bob Nordburch talks about the satisfaction he gets from seeing Hirsch participants have a transformative process within just a few hours of art and fellowship. Bob is one of our long-time professional instructors, teaching...
…it wasn’t until my mid-40’s while recovering from a second cancer diagnosis that I started to think about my mother’s creative community and the power of art as a healing tool.–Louise I come from a creative family where my formative years were spent alongside...
Artist Jonathan Vizcuna is a first-time Art Lives Here contributor. His works will appeal to any animal lover – a Labrador retriever and a French bulldog both created in low-poly. Low-poly is sculpture using colorful handmade paper polygons. It’s pretty amazing!...
Michele Rieder’s art donation to the Art Lives Here Silent Auction captures themes of what Hirsch Wellness Network is all about. Michele is one of our Hirsch instructors. Reider’s Zentangle-inspired illustration, “Hands Over Heart,” depicts a...
Potter and Art Lives Here donating artist Susan Ridenour says, “I found my way to pottery, at first to find relieve from devastation of what was going on.” It changed her life and her masterful stoneware serving bowl may change yours, if you buy it for...
Dave Dulaney believes we’re all born artists and that art is a place to find safety. Hear his thoughts on how art and continual learning in the arts need to be part of all of our...
His steel guitar chops can be heard at festivals and winery stages with old time folk group The Alley Rabbits and his photography can been seen in the Art Lives Here Gallery. Renaissance man Bill Payne is our Board President who leads by example with years of service...
Andrena Coleman is a Hirsch Wellness Network board member. She’s also and amzing fabric artist, an art instructor, and a art donor to the Art Lives Here Silent Auction for Hirsch Wellness Network. Watch this video to learn about Andrena’s art and her...
Cancer survivor, participant in wellness programs and volunteer, Teresa sums up the Hirsch experience and value concisely. For nearly 14 years, Hirsch Wellness has been the only Healing Arts organization in the region providing free of charge Arts and Wellness...
Partnership for Arts and Wellness Cone Health Cancer Center’s Patient and Family Support Team and Hirsch Wellness have produced Healing Arts at Home online videos, designed specifically for cancer patients currently receiving treatment and their caregivers....