About Our Classes
Creativity, Wellness, and On-site Clinical ActivitiesCreativity Classes
“Finding people who have had, or are going, through similar issues has helped me know I am not going crazy. It has given me resources to get help, learn coping skills, and have a community
I can call on, learn from, cry and laugh with.”
The Hirsch Center at Revolution Mill is the Piedmont’s Cancer Support Community, where free weekly arts and wellness workshops are held and facilitated by local artists providing a safe and inspiring place for in-depth creative exploration. As one Hirsch Wellness instructor shared, “Being a Hirsch Wellness instructor is an incredible gift. I feel so honored to be part of this community and to witness the stories and artwork that people share with each other.”
At Hirsch Wellness we believe the creative process is a healing process, and that everyone is creative. Arts activities at the Hirsch Center are designed to instill self-expression through hands-on learning and experimentation within a safe and inspiring group setting. Although the hectic pace of modern life can break our connection with our natural creative instincts, it never really leaves us, and after a cancer diagnosis, it can be an invaluable tool for self-empowerment and healing.
Hirsch Wellness arts programs are designed to offer a no-pressure, relaxing environment to reawaken inspiration and offer Community support while exploring new techniques and insights from area experts who work and teach in the arts. All programs are free of charge to cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and medical staff.
Wellness Classes
Hirsch Sessions for Wellness are unique Community Partnerships designed to provide patients and caregivers opportunities for physical well-being and emotional growth tools for self-care.
Our 11-year partnership with Triad Yoga in Greensboro, NC offers a weekly cancer survivor yoga class and once monthly Session for Wellness workshops focusing on mindfulness/meditation.
Club Fitness has partnered with Hirsch Wellness to provide Therapeutic Aquatics sessions at their state-of-the-art Swim Centers, where participants gain physical strength and balance, emotional support, and restore a positive body image, which can be shattered after surgery and treatment. Participants also have use of The Club Fitness center and locker room amenities, while at Hirsch Wellness-sponsored sessions.
Taiji/Qigong and meditation classes are offered through the Hirsch Center every Monday evening. Chair Qigong sessions occur every Tuesday. These programs provide a complete practice for improving overall health. The gentle, slow movements allow anyone to participate and improve at their own pace. Our instructor Bill savage is certified by The Center for Taiji Studies, founded by Dr. Yang Yang, and welcomes all to the practice.
Arts in Medicine
“With Hirsch Wellness the focus is not on this horrific, too often dehumanizing disease and it’s treatment, but on the uniqueness of each individual in a celebration of that life through the creative arts. One testimonial calls Hirsch ‘a safe haven in the storm of cancer.’ A sense of victimization can be transformed into a mindset of emotional and physical survivorship through these programs.”
Hirsch Wellness has been instrumental in developing, managing, and implementing Artist in Residence programs within the hospital setting, offering arts activities, companionship, relaxation, and creative inspiration for patients, family members, caregivers, and staff while at the cancer center.
Since 2012, Cone Health has been referring patients to Hirsch off-site healing arts programs, and in 2017 Hirsch Wellness partnered with Cone Health Patient and Family Support Staff to develop on-site Arts in Healthcare programs.
Hirsch Wellness-trained artists and volunteers are part of Cone Health’s Complementary Care. “While you Wait” group art activities at the Healing Arts Table in the main lobby build patient interaction and sharing.
Hirsch Wellness Art Cart activities offer one-on-one time for patients in the infusion room receiving treatments at both Cone Health in Greensboro and Annie Penn in Reidsville.