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Awakened Heart, Awakened Mind (online) with Lauren Rubin

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us for an ongoing exploration of mindfulness meditation. This biweekly drop-in facilitates personal meditation practice and understanding by investigating common meditation hindrances and the factors that support meditative steadiness, […]

Therapeutic Aquatics (in person) at Club Fitness – Oak Branch

Club Fitness 21A Oak Branch, Greensboro, North Carolina

Water is a natural healer, offering physical and emotional release. Guided aquatic sessions promote movement, muscle strengthening, and FUN! This program is sponsored by Hirsch Wellness Network and Club Fitness […]

Taiji-Qigong (in person & online) with Bill Savage

Central Gallery at Revolution Mill - 1150 Revolution Mill Dr 1175 Revolution Mill Drive - Central Gallery, Greensboro, North Carolina
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Bill Savage offers his Taiji-Qigong class each Monday evening both in person and online via Zoom. The in-person portion will be offered at the Central Gallery at Revolution Mill (you can enter […]

Monday Night Meditation Drop-In (online)

Virtual Event Virtual Event

“Finding ease through practice.” This class offers a 35-minute meditation for experienced and inexperienced practitioners. Meditations will be guided and unguided and there will be time for questions and sharing […]

Creative Writing: What is Spoken, What is Said (in person) with Molly Haile

Hirsch Classroom on 1st floor 1250 Revolution Mill Drive, Studio #130, Greensboro, United States

In this creative writing class, we’ll talk about how real-life conversations aren’t just about the words spoken. Together, we’ll read examples of conversations in nonfiction and fiction writing and look […]

Chair Qigong (online) with Bill Savage

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Taiji-Qigong instructor Bill Savage offers a weekly online Chair Qigong class for those unable to stand at all, or for long periods of time. Benefits include improved respiratory, digestive, circulatory, […]

Breathworks for Anxiety & Pain (online) with Beverly Vaughn

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Breathworks is a program that blends both Eastern traditions and modern neuroscience and psychology. Controlled breathing has been shown to reduce stress, increase alertness and boost your immune system. We […]

Winter Sowing (in person) with Catherine Crowder

Hirsch Classroom on 1st floor 1250 Revolution Mill Drive, Studio #130, Greensboro, United States

Audrey Hepburn said it best: "To plant a seed is to believe in tomorrow." Does starting plants from seed seem like a daunting task? From designating space, setting up lights, […]

Open Studio (IN PERSON) with Bob Nordbruch

Hirsch Classroom on 1st floor 1250 Revolution Mill Drive, Studio #130, Greensboro, United States

Join fine artist Bob Nordbruch IN PERSON, as he takes his popular Open Studio to Hirsch Wellness! Open Studio is a great way to stay connected, share painting projects you […]

Mixed Media Hearts (in person) with Deveta Glenn

Hirsch Classroom on 1st floor 1250 Revolution Mill Drive, Studio #130, Greensboro, United States

Let's explore artist Jim Dine's Heart Paintings and create one of our own in his style using color, form, and texture! No experience is necessary. Registration is required. Please be […]

A Still Forest Pool Meditation Practice (online)

Virtual Event Virtual Event

As our understanding of mindfulness grows, we come to realize the deep importance of a regular meditation practice. Gathering as a group to meditate not only facilitates our personal meditation […]