Cancer survivor, participant in wellness programs and volunteer, Teresa sums up the Hirsch experience and value concisely.
For nearly 14 years, Hirsch Wellness has been the only Healing Arts organization in the region providing free of charge Arts and Wellness programs for cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and medical providers. Each month, more than 300 participants attend Hirsch workshops to receive creative tools for self-care that enhance emotional, physical and social well-being and healing through the cancer journey and beyond.
“When you participate in any one of Hirsch’s activities, the elephant IS in the room. But the elephant is acknowledged as the thing that binds us together. Hirsch is a place where you can be who you are. It does’t natter how broken or ill you are, where you are with your physical or emotional healing – there’s a place for you. There’s a community where you are understood and surrounded by people who are like you and who care about you,” says Teresa.
Teresa started as a pariticipant, but she’s discovered that the most meaningful thing she does with Hirsch is her volunteer work. Work that makes the program possible for other survivors like herself!
“The Greeks have four words for love. The fourth is ‘agape’ — love as an action. Agape is what Hirsch is for me!”
In 2020, attendance at Hirsch programs grew more than 35%, and in 2021 we have surpassed this growth. Year-to-date over 3175 participants have attended more than 276 online programs. Your financial support keeps our programs free of charge and accessible for all to attend. In 2022, we will resume in-person workshops AND continue online programming to meet the needs of friends and family touched by cancer.
It is through the generosity of individuals and corporate donors that Hirsch Wellness has continued to grow as a caring cancer support.
We would like to ask for your continued support as you make charitable Year-End Gifts, and we thank you for making so much possible!